Index of Crystals/Minerals



 Agate symbolizes harmony, rebalance, and also is linked to positive thinking.  Because of this, it is said to enhance mental function, perception, and analytical abilities.  

Amazonite is associated with money, luck, and overall success.  It is said to encourage good luck and fortune.  Additionally, it is a soothing stone that calms the brain and nervous system to aid in maintaining optimum health.  Wear to bring luck and calm.  

Amethyst is said to be a symbol of peace, cleansing, and calming energy.  It reflects that one is passionate about their own life as well as the life of others and is at it’s highest when coupled with loving relationships.  Wear to bring peace and calm to your life.

Aquamarine helps us to gain insight, truth, and wisdom. It can be used to help calm the mind, nerves, and anxieties.

Blue sandstone represents new beginnings and success.  Known for clearing thoughts, this gemstone neatly resets negative, unnecessary thoughts like anxiety and brings clarity in thought and sight to the wearer.  

Blue sodatlite is said to create profound thoughts in the wearer.  It also represents honesty, logic, respect, and balancing of thoughts.  

Botswana agate is said to promote feelings of composure, inner stability, and maturity.  Some say it also supports those looking for love.  Wear to support self-confidence. 

Chalcedony is said to align the mind, body, and spirit.  Also said to send feelings of kindness and generosity to you, Chalcedony removes self-doubt and build self-confidence.  

Citrine is associated with positivity and optimism.  Often called the “Success Stone”, it is used to assist in manifesting financial abundance and opportunities.  

Dalmatian Jasper is said to create a sense of playfulness in those who wear it.  It’s often referred to as the “stone of joy” and assists in releasing feelings of anger or hurt in the wearer.  Also, it reminds us to enjoy the simple things in life and encourages us to feel lighthearted.  

Ethiopian Opal is believed to stimulate creativity and inspiration.  It is said to encourage artistic pursuits and hope.  Additionally, this gemstone is thought to help balance emotions and promote inner peace.  

Fluorite is known for its ability to absorb negative energy and is perfect for any person experiencing burnout.  Wear to revive and transmute negative energy into positive energy.  

Garnets are associated with love and friendship.  It is said to inspire contemplation and truthfulness in the wearer.  

Green adventurine is associated with strength, courage, happiness, and stability.  It is said to renew one’s optimism for life and urges us to take on new opportunities.  

Green jade is said to enhance our receptiveness to new meanings and ideas.  Also, it is said to light the path to wisdom and understanding.   

Howlite is the stone of patience and perspective.  It helps to calm and settle an overactive mind, so the wearer can absorb information and better focus.  It also is said to aid in achieving ambitions and dreams.  

Jasper is the best for stress to help achieve a state of calm and zen.  Said to absorb negativity, it rectifies unjust situations and grounds energy. 

Kyanite is a great stone for softening communication and growing compassion.  It drives away anger, frustration, confusion, and stress and is said to provide a capacity for linear and logical thought.   

Labradorite is said to protect against the negativity of the world as well as within ourselves.  Wear to promote growth to your mental and emotional well-being.  

Lapis Lazuli is associated with strength, courage, intellect, and truth.  It is known as the stone of truth and friendship — bringing harmony and love to relationships. 

Lazurite is famous for its gem form, Lapis Lazuli.  Lapis Lazuli is associated with strength, courage, intellect, and truth.  It is known as the stone of truth and friendship — bringing harmony and love to relationships. 

Leopard skin jasper is associated with strength and vitality.  Additionally, it is said to help achieve ambitious goals.  

Mookaite jasper is known as the stone of youthfulness.  It is said to support us during times of stress to bring a feeling of peace and wholeness.  

Moonstone is good for activating your creative and intuitive powers and energy, which helps you get in tune with your true emotions.  It can help to balance and cool down your emotions and tension.  The tranquil energy of the moonstone invites creativity and restoration.  

Quartz is said to enhance spirituality, awareness, and wisdom.  It also said to increase inspiration and creativity.  Wear to amplify inspiration.  Black quartz also is said to have the properties to help enhance leadership. 

Rose quartz is to boost feelings of self-love and foster loving relationships with others.  It’s known as the crystal of unconditional love. 

Ruby zoisite offers the energy of happiness, appreciation, abundance, vitality, and growth.  It is said to alleviate grief, anger, despair, and defeat.  

Serpentine is said to be linked to money and career.  It is said to help its wearer attract wealth, achieve ambitions, and boost that person’s career path.   

Snowflake obsidian is known to be the bringer of balance between two opposing sides and is thought to help wearers see patterns in their own thoughts and behaviors.  It also is believed that it dissolves shocks, fears, traumas, and emotional pains.  

Tiger’s eye symbolizes strength, bravery, and courage.  Happiness and peace are also associated with this gem.  Wear to bring strength, courage, and peace.

Turquoise brings luck, peace, protection, and wisdom.  It is said to have a tranquil energy and is associated with enduring love.  Wear for luck and protection.  

Unakite is a stone of balance and helps us to find our inner peace and calm. 

Yellow adventurine represents self-reflection, prosperity, calmness, balance, optimism, and creativity.  It’s also known as the “stone of self-worth” and the “stone of confidence” as it affects how we perceive ourselves.  





  • agate
  • unakite
  • blue sodalite
  • snowflake obsidian
  • yellow adventurine


  • amazonite
  • amethyst
  • jasper
  • mookaite jasper
  • tiger’s eye
  • turquoise
  • unakite
  • howlite
  • yellow adventurine
  • Ethiopian opal
  • green adventurine
  • tiger’s eye 
  • dalmatian jasper
  • ruby zoisite


  • agate 
  • lapis lazuli
  • lazurite
  • quartz 
  • yellow adventurine 
  • Ethiopian opal
  • turquoise
  • rose quartz
  • amethyst


  • amazonite
  • turquoise
  • citrine
  • blue sandstone
  • howlite
  • serpentine


  • agate
  • fluorite
  • jasper
  • labradorite
  • dalmatian jasper
  • ruby zoisite
  • chalcedony
  • botswana agate
  • labradorite
  • yellow adventurine 
  • chalcedony
  •  botswana agate
  • green adventurine
  • green adventurine 
  • lapis lazuli
  • leopard skin jasper
  • tiger’s eye 
  • lazurite
  • garnet
  • lapis lazuli 
  • blue sodalite
  • lazurite 
  • quartz
  • turquoise
  • blue sodalite
  • green jade 

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